Primary Listing - Primary Category
   Landing Page Listing - Specialized Category
   Photo Link Ad - Specialized Category       inc Facebook / Instagram
   Text Link Listing - Specialized Category
   Featured Agent Advertising Package - Realestate

$1,000/year + tax
Click for more information. Your Business Name Linked
P.O. Box or Physical Address, Your Town, Texas 78676

Each Primary Category has a limited number of listings available. A vast majority of visitors view these pages on their journey to the Specialized Category that displays your business contact information. Stop them in their tracks with a bold attention getting Primary Listing. It offers all of the benefits and exposure of a Specialized Landing Page Listing plus this added presence on a Primary Category Page. Hill Country Home A Guide has eight Primary Categories that contain over 30 Specialized Categories. These categories list/contain everything from land procurement services to insurance agencies ready to protect owner's property.


  • Primary Category Page Listing
  • Upper Most - Full Width Specialized Category Landing Page Listing
  • FaceBook - Twitter Live Feed
  • Contact Information
  • Up to 100 words for a description of your services
  • LPL Column link that appears on all pages of the Prime Category




$1,000* ↑Limited availability -

Landing Page Listing

One annual payment of $500.00 (plus tax)

Click for more information. Your Business Name Linked

Your Address, Your Town, Texas XXXXX

Located on the first 'Landing Page" of your selected Specialized Category. Your Landing Page Listing appears directly below the Primary Listing, in the very top section of your category, above all other types of listings and is placed according to purchase date, several layout configurations are available. 2 business telephone numbers, business address and up to 800 characters (~80 words) for a description of your services is a portion of a Landing Page Listing. The listing can also include a Facebook, Twitter feed, map linkage to your business location and email linkage. An additional link ad appears in the alphabetical listings in your category (for a total of two)!


One annual payment of $500 (plus tax)

Photo Link Ad Listing

One annual payment of $250.00 (plus tax)


Click for more information. Your Business Name Linked
P.O. Box or Physical Address, Your Town, Texas 78676
An eye catching "banner image" linked to your website draws attention to your Photo Link Ad. Includes your business name linked to your website, 2 business telephone numbers, and up to 500 characters (~50 words) for description of services in the guide for your business. A link ad for your business also appears within the alphabetical listings! Located above all Text Link Listings and arranged by purchase date.
A Facebook/Twitter Feed option is included with this Photo Link Ad, whenever you update your FB/RSS feed the latest entry will be viewable within your Image Link Ad. This is perfect for making those special offers and sharing information with potential customers.


One annual payment of $250 (plus tax)


Text Link Listing

$150.00 (plus tax) annually


  Your Business Name Linked
P.O. Box or Physical Address, Your Town, Texas 78676
A text listing for those on a tight budget. Post your business name, complete address, phone number and a link to your website. The HCH Text Link Listing includes up to 200 characters (20~25 words) for describing the nature of your business. Once you have determined that HCH listings drive customers your way, an upgrade to a more prominent listing (within 180 days) will net a full credit toward your newer HCH Listing.


$150 (plus tax)


Hill Country Home
Real Estate Advertising Package
3mo   6mo    12mo    contracts available

Real Estate Listing Package

Listings in 3 separate web pages and on 3 Central Texas Websites

with over Over 3,000 Daily Visitors

Limited Availability

3mo - 6mo - 12mo   contracts available

Become a Hill Country Home Guide Expert!

We will publish articles that include multiple links to the representative business. If you're interested in this option

» click here to send us your request - - - available to Primary and Landpage advertisers

*Sales tax us applicable